Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Let's Talk About Project Runway, Season 5 Episode 1

Yes, one of my favorite shows on the air, Project Runway, is at it's fifth and final season on Bravo (moving to Lifetime for next season). When you first meet the new contestents, you realize that they are all, well, different. One likes denim, the other likes costumes, this one likes color, this one loves dresses... Omg, I thought, this is going to be awesome! Now to weed out the losers...

The first challenge was to go to a supermarket and buy things to make clothes out of. Of COURSE everyone bought a tablecloth, those CHEATERS! But the cool ones got cups, or vacume cleaner bags, Or, let's face it, mop heads. It was an amazing episode full of amazing outfits... except for some, of course. Someone has to go home eventually.

Now, in my family, we don't have time to memorize everyone's name during the first episode. Save the brain power for the top eight... or even six. So, we picked our faves, and our not-so-faves (I think you'll know who I'm talking about if you watched the show). We loved Vacume Cleaner Bag Girl, Mop Head Woman, and Blue Cup Man. Two of them made it to the top three! We HATED Garbage Bag Stoner, Rain Coat Man (the Asian one), and we didn't know what to make of Bathing Suit Blonde Guy (the one that made a costume not unlike the one from Leagally Blonde...).

Well, we desperatly wanted Garbage Bag Stoner to LEAVE... but she didn't. Rain Coat Man left instead, which wasn't all that bad. But, if you know the show, you know that the person you hate won't leave until the middle of the show... Poo on them!

Let's Talk About Yesterday

Okay, so partly to see my friends more, and partly to show my amazing reading skills (Yeah!) I signed up for this book club thing at my town library. I mean, I really like to read and stuff, but it just seemed like none of the other kids were interested in reading at all. For example, the last book we had to read was called I Am the Messenger. I had joined late, but I had remember trying to read the book a couple years ago. I didn't like it much, and because I was reading it on my own terms, I put it down. I just couldn't get into it. Now, if it had been for the book club, I think I would have sucked it up and just read it. But most of the other kids (except maybe two) just stopped even shorter of where I did. Some of them made it a chapter farther, but not by much. It just kind of made me upset to see that they weren't taking it seriously. Oh well, it is free. It's not like I'm going to quit because of it; I'm a late joiner, which probably brings me down a notch, plus I already promissed the nice woman I'd come back... Serves me right.

The next book is some Sarah Dessen book. I don't particularly like her style of writing (or should I say "formula books"), but, as I said before, I'm going to suck it up and read it.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Let's Talk History Channel

So, I think something is deffinitly wrong with the History Channel at the moment. So far, all they talk about is aliens, or the end of the world, or rediculous things like predicting the future through prophets and books like the Bible. Yes, I believe in the Bible, but really, do we have to go that far?
I just watched a program on a French prophet, Nostradamus. He has apparently predicted a number of intense happenings of the world for ages. One of them was the death of Henery II, former King of France:

The young lion will overcome the older one,

On the field of combat in a single battle;

He will pierce his eyes through a golden cage,

Two wounds made one, then he dies a cruel death.

Then, he prediced the famous Fire of London (this one is actually pretty cool. He got the year dead on! The fire was in 1666):

The blood of the just will be demanded of London,

Burnt by the fire in the year 66

He predicted "correctly" Napolean, Hitler, WWII, and has also apparently prediced the assasination of George W. Bush! Holy cow!

Other than Nostradamus, there are a number of programs on the History Channel that talk about such things as the Apocalypse, us going off to search for a new planet, and have predicted what the Earth will look like billions of years into the future! How do they do it? Maybe they have some prophets of their own... O_e

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Let's Talk Movies

Under the Same Moon- Well, right now I'm watching the Mexican movie, "Under the Same Moon". It's quite upsetting, when you see what happens to all of these people who just want a better life for themselves and for their family. Just this poor kid, on his own, and all he wants to do is get to his mom. It's just too hard for them to find a break...

Hancock- I just saw this movie, and I have to say, another Will Smith masterpiece!! I love Will Smith to death, and all of his movies are just what I enjoy: the strange (except for Hitch, that was almost a disaster... but it wasn't because it had Smith in it!)

Wall-E- O.M.G. This is one of the best movies I have ever seen... EVER! When I walked into the theater last night, I thought, "Oh goodness, one of Pixar's movies. A kid thing!" N.O. That was amazing! The advertisements you see on TV don't show next to half of what the movie is really about! If you ever go to see it, my favorite character is Eve.