Monday, July 14, 2008

Let's Talk History Channel

So, I think something is deffinitly wrong with the History Channel at the moment. So far, all they talk about is aliens, or the end of the world, or rediculous things like predicting the future through prophets and books like the Bible. Yes, I believe in the Bible, but really, do we have to go that far?
I just watched a program on a French prophet, Nostradamus. He has apparently predicted a number of intense happenings of the world for ages. One of them was the death of Henery II, former King of France:

The young lion will overcome the older one,

On the field of combat in a single battle;

He will pierce his eyes through a golden cage,

Two wounds made one, then he dies a cruel death.

Then, he prediced the famous Fire of London (this one is actually pretty cool. He got the year dead on! The fire was in 1666):

The blood of the just will be demanded of London,

Burnt by the fire in the year 66

He predicted "correctly" Napolean, Hitler, WWII, and has also apparently prediced the assasination of George W. Bush! Holy cow!

Other than Nostradamus, there are a number of programs on the History Channel that talk about such things as the Apocalypse, us going off to search for a new planet, and have predicted what the Earth will look like billions of years into the future! How do they do it? Maybe they have some prophets of their own... O_e

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