Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Belts Suck

The tight ones constrict your fat.

Off that subject, I hate when you text someone with just a, "wazup?" and you get the fastest response ever, but when you text someone with an urgent message, you never get a response. Ever. It's like, "No?" That pisses me off.

But, in math, we got a big project-like thing back. Got a 96, very happy; the smart kids got 88s and 90s. Made my day a little better.

I am finding that I have a fear of doing things the wrong way. Not like the normal, "Oh darn, I messed up on that paper!" No, it's like an intense fear. I wonder if there's a name for that.

There are people I know that care way too much about school. It's like, SATs this, or, Math test that, and, holy crappers English! -_- Sometimes, I just want to tell them to take an asprin and stay still. One day, I will pile them all into my car, drive to the mall, and make them walk around with me. We'll have some fun, go to the movies, eat at McDonalds, and discover the magic of a lack of uniform education and studying. Damn smart kids.

Oh, I want to write, do well in school, get a job, learn to cook, watch all my favorite TV shows, and hang out with my friends. Is that so much to ask?

That was a rhetorical question.

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