Saturday, January 17, 2009

Satuday... Not So Wonderful

I love Satudays. No school, be with friends, whatever you want to do (Usually I'm tucked in a corner reading/writing, but whatever)!

Well, I wasted my Saturday:
-arguing about customer's wants versus the seller's wants. Isn't it true that the customer is always (well, 99.9% of the time) right? I hope she learns that...
-procrastinating from studying by playing Ant Buster (love it!) on
-got my dad pissed off
-watched A.I. (and cried)
-played GH World Tour at my friend's house; more procrastination

I'm going driving tomorrow. For my first time. I'm really scared. I've never been the best at those racing games, and my hand-eye co-ordination isn't top-notch either. I just hope I'm not one of those new drivers moms see then tell their kids, "When you drive, don't be like her!"

1 comment:

L. Diane Wolfe said...

It's your first time driving? Really?

My first time behind the wheel was at age 14, but I did not really learn until I was 18 - didn't even get a license until after graduation!

L. Diane Wolfe